Saturday 24 October 2020

The Allure of Fulani Braids Hairstyles

 In the last couple of months I have been getting some fantastic feedback and comments about my looks when i am wearing my Fulani Braids Hairstyle. It is indeed an honor to wear this hairstyle that has long been the preserve of African queens and princesses and it makes me remember my roots. It is very vital that we as African Americans are able to connect with our roots and what better way to keep in touch with our roots than to wear hairstyles that showcase out illustrious heritage.

Black Hair Styles Threading

One styling method that I haven't seen in years is threading. I don't know how widespread it is these days, but it is commonly seen in West Africa.

Essentially the hair is divided into different sections and the yarn is wound along each section, providing you with threaded braids. For whatever reason, the most popular yarn used was a "Made in China" black cotton yarn, although sometimes you will see a rubbery yarn that gives braids a shiny effect.

Let's talk a little more about creating braids with threads:

The stylist received 4-6 bundles (the number of bundles depends on the thickness and length of the hair) of yarn, tied its ends together, and then wrapped the bouquet around the big toe and hand to create a multi-wire loop threads. . This loop would then be cut to give a large number of individual strands of the proper length.

Using 4 or 5 strands of yarn at a time, she would start creating the braid. It is quite a talent, the experts wind the thread very fast but with great precision. Usually the braid would be done without gaps, that is, you would not see any hair along the braid. Sometimes even though there are gaps left or you even have threaded sections interspersed with braided hair.

It is possible to include strands of hair so that each threaded braid is thicker and / or longer than it would be without them. When the end of the braid is reached, a knot is tied and the excess thread is cut off. You'll end up with a head full of stiff braids that stick out from your head, then are folded and tied together in different artistic ways:

Compared to braids, threading styles can be completed very quickly, but care must be taken that the stylist does not over-tighten them or you will go a few sleepless nights without being able to lay your head comfortably.

The threaded hair can last 2 weeks or more, when you undo the braids you will find your hair straight and straight underneath; so it is a way to straighten your hair after washing it.

Threading was once popular across all ages, but now, with everyone wearing knits and wigs, it seems to be seen mostly on schoolgirls. But hopefully with items like this, we can get more women to wear stylish designs with threads on their heads.